Sunday, 29 April 2012

Places to ride

Now days finding a legal place to ride is becoming harder and harder so here are some tips and places to ride.

First of all if you are serous about riding Enduro you will need a road registered dirt bike and a licence, this is because the government classifies many dirt tracks as public roads, so you need rego.

Second of all find some local state forests because if you have rego and a licence you are allowed to ride in there, for me this is Ourimbah start forest near Gosford.

Ourimbah is a large state forest with a large variety of riding ranging form flowing open fire trails to tight gnarly single trail hills. It has a servo near by and takes appropriately 30minutes to get there and be ready to ride.

For more info on State forests here is the governments site,Ourimbah+NSW&gl=au&ei=W-mcT8L0EYqhiQexpJm9Dg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ8gEwAA

One of the steepest downhills I have found so far
Louee, just past Tom's Hill

If you don't have a road registrable bike or don't have your licence a great place to ride is Louee

"Louee Features four Motocross Tracks a freestyle compond, special junior track and over 150km of Tracks and Trails designed specifically for off road riding and racing." (taken from Louee enduro main page)

It is a great place for young kids to go if they have experience and for the bigger kids to go and have an adventure on some of the best tracks around. a tip is book early as it does get booked out fairly quickly in the holidays.

Again here is the link for further info

If you talk to people who ride regularly or talk to you local motorcycle shop they can normally give you an idea of where is good to ride in your area. Just amke sure you are road legal and have your road gear on your bike working and serviced.

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